The Story of Gracie

We are in the process of adopting a daughter from China! Our LID [Log In Date] for our paperwork in China is Sept. 12, 2005.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Gracie's Bedroom

Here are some pictures of Gracie's room. Jenn still has some decorating ideas...a girl's room can never be too girlie or pink, you know! Right now, it is a smorgasbord of the saying "something borrowed" which would be the bumper pads from Madison's mom, Lisa; "something blue" which would be the glider rocker, "something old" which would be Jenn's toys {in between the glider rocker and the dresser}, and from my generation, the pastel art from Granny Cagle [I remember her asking us when we were little what we would like for her to make, and we would sit and watch her create our personalized masterpieces! I asked for the kitten, and the little fairies were for me and Holly]; and finally "something new" the various decorative attempts that we've done for her room while waiting!


Blogger Unknown said...

Whata cute room that i helpd design! :]

6:01 PM  

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